Friday, December 3, 2010

I Run the White House - Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama's second solo effort proved to be a good effort, but fell 200k copies short of its predecessor. She still proved she could do damage and although she's not cutting like a lawyer this time, she's the self- proclaimed reason why Barack got elected.... Release date- 5/10/10

1. The White House Life
2. I Run the White House!
3. I'm the Reason Barack Got Elected
4. Hidden Agenda
5. First Lady Song
6. When I Was a Lawyer
7. My Resume
8. Overqualified
9. M-I-C-H-E-L-L-E
10. I'm Goin' to Popeye's
11. Hillary Needs a Makeover
12. America Loves Me More
13. Michelle 4 President
Deluxe Edition (pre-order comes with silver case)
14. Wave My Flag
15. Veto Ed.
16. Come Visit Soon!

1. First Lady Song (mv)
2. My Resume (mv)
3. Overqualified (mv)
4. M-I-C-H-E-L-L-E (mv)
5. When I Was a Lawyer (mv)
6. America's Woman (Documentary)

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