Friday, December 3, 2010

Diary of a Mad Politician - Hillary Clinton

Hillary is back and surlier than ever. And why wouldn't she be? She got appointed to Secretary of State and is taking over the senate!... or something like that. Either way, she's pissed.
Release date - 2/26/10

1. Welcome to the Senate
2. I Must Kill Bill!
3. You Say Nay, I Say Yay
4. Lay Down the Law
5. Shut Down
6. Hatchet to Your Bill
7. So Over Obama
8. Making Bills is an Excuse to Kill Trees
9. Vote With Me and Get Chocolate!
10. My White House
11. Monica's About to Go Missing
12. Another Day, Another Billion
13. I'll Take Pelosi Any Day (bonus pre- order track)

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