Friday, February 11, 2011

Patent Pending - Original Patrice

It was only a matter of time until Patrice would drop an album. The real question was, would it be good? Luckily for her, Patrice's debut album was relatively well-received and peaked at #5 on the top ten. She managed to pull out all the stops for this release, producing 3 different editions (normal, bonus tracks, and cd/dvd combo + 3 more bonus tracks) If that wasn't enough, first press orders came with a limited edition "Patrice Stamp". Release date - 11/21/10

1. Copyright Infringement
2. Patent Office
3. Genius
4. Patrice!
5. 1,001 Trademarks
6. Made in China
7. Bitch Stole My Idea (Feat. Caprice)
8. I Buy Unused Ideas
9. Will Pay For Money
10. Original Patrice INC
11. Lawsuit
12. I Thought it First!
13. The Dumb Ideas Keep Coming (Feat. Duhnice)

Bonus Track Edition:
14. Retarded (Feat. Duhnice)
15. I'm Not Related to Beuniece (Feat. Beuniece)
16. Licensed Professional (Feat. Shopping Balloon)
17. Novelty (Feat. Caprice and Duhnice)

DVD Edition:
18. Inventorship
19. Edison's Got Nothing on Me
20. Patent Processing

1. Patent Office (mv)
2. Bitch Stole My Idea (mv)
3. Original Patrice INC (mv)
4. Lawsuit (mv)
5. Making the videos
6. Pending the Patent (making of the album)
7. Live Session

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