Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Semi - Sour - Semi Large Pink

Her Semi-ness is back! After her critically acclaimed debut, she knew she had to come up with something equally sour... and she did! Semi Sour managed to stay on the charts even through the onslaught of releases in November, proving her popularity. Release date - 10/19/10

1. Supa Sour
2. Certified Semi - Chick
3. Semi x3
4. I Can't See My Lips
5. Sweet is Not an Option (feat. Pageant Queen)
6. Semi- Good Timing
7. Bitter Attitude
8. Warhead
9. Semi- Ficticious
10. Don't Eat That Lollipop!
11. Holy Crap That's Sour!
12. Semi - Ending

CD+ DVD Edition
13. Sour S**t
14. Is Pinkz Gone Yet?

1. Supa Sour (mv)
2. Bitter Attitude (mv)
3. Warhead (mv)
4. The Making of Semi- Sour (clip)

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